
Reverse Osmosis & Water Treatment in Pakistan


Pakistan, with a total area of 796,100 square kilometers (km2), is located in Southern Asia. It is bordered by India in the east, China in the north-east, Afghanistan in the north and north-west, Iran in the south-west and the Arabian Sea to the south. Pakistan is divided into four provinces, namely the Punjab, Sindh, North West Frontier Province (NWFP), and Balochistan. 
Water Resources
Pakistan can be divided into three hydrological units: 
• The Indus basin, covering more than 566,000 km2 (or 71% of the territory), comprising the whole of the provinces of the Punjab, Sindh, and NWFP and the eastern part of Balochistan. The Indus river has 2 main tributaries, the Kabul on the right bank and the Panjnad on the left bank. The Panjnad is the resulting flow of five main rivers (literally Punjab means "five waters"): the Jhelum and Chenab, known as the western rivers, and the Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej known as the eastern rivers. 
• The Karan desert in the west of Balochistan (in the west of the country), which is an endorheic basin covering 15% of the territory. The Mashkel and Marjen rivers are the principal source of water in the basin. The water is discharged in the Hamun-i-Mashkel lake, in the south-west at the border with Iran. 
• The arid Makran coast along the Arabian Sea covering 14% of the territory in its southwestern part (Balochistan province). The Hob, Porali, Hingol, and Dasht are the principal rivers of this coastal zone. 
The internal renewable water resources are estimated at 248 cubic kilometers per year (km3/year). Surface runoff is estimated at 243 km3, while groundwater resources are about 55 km3, most being the baseflow of the river system. 
Water Withdrawal
Total water withdrawal in 1991 was estimated at 156 km3, of which 96.8% for agricultural purposes (1.6% is withdrawn for domestic use and another 1.6% for industrial use). Groundwater abstraction for agriculture has been roughly estimated at 55 km3/year, which is approximately the volume of groundwater renewable resources. However, in some areas, development appears to have reached the point where groundwater is being mined. Most urban and rural water is supplied from groundwater. Over 50% of the village water supply is obtained through hand pumps installed by private households. In saline groundwater areas, irrigation canals are the main source of domestic water. 

The World Bank reports that at least 80 countries have water shortages and 2 billion people lack access to clean water. More disturbingly, the World Health Organization has reported that 1 billion people lack enough water to simply meet their basic needs, unfortunately in many countries water is scarce or contaminated.

Pure Aqua provides a wide range of filtration and RO water plants based on the Pakistan's water resources.

Pakistan's main water resources are:

Water Treatment in Pakistan
According to sources from within Pakistan, there only three wastewater treatment plants in the country, with just one of which are functional. The lack of clean water sources or facilities have led to much of the country’s tap and brackish water to be highly unsuitable for human consumption. Pure Aqua designs and manufactures quality water treatment systems that provide the necessary solutions Pakistan needs to produce sufficient drinking water to its people.

Pure Aqua manufactures RO water plant to Pakistan that meet the World Health Organization requirements.

Pure Aqua has over 20 years of experience as a global provider of B2B water treatment solutions for a variety of applications and industries, we offer a large selection of all types of reverse osmosis and water treatment systems to meet your industrial needs. Pure Aqua’s extensive global experience in engineering and manufacturing allows us to pre-engineer and customize water treatment and reverse osmosis systems to meet a wide range of customer requirements and specifications.

Completed Water Purification Projects for Pakistan: