
Reverse Osmosis & Water Treatment in Oman


The Sultanate of Oman occupies the south-eastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula and has a total area of 312,500 km2. It is bordered in the north-west by the United Arab Emirates, in the west by Saudi Arabia and in the south-west by Yemen. A detached area of Oman, separated from the rest of the country by the United Arab Emirates, lies at the tip of the Musandam Peninsula, on the southern shore of the Strait of Hormuz. The country has a coastline of almost 1,700 km, from the Strait of Hormuz in the north to the borders of the Republic of Yemen in the south-west, overlooking three seas: the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. 
A great deal of uncertainty lies in the assessment of Oman's water resources. Internal renewable water resources have been evaluated at 985 million m3/year. Surface water resources are scarce. In nearly all wadis, surface runoff occurs only for some hours or up to a few days after a storm, in the form of rapidly rising and falling flood flows. Since 1985, 15 major recharge dams have been constructed together with many smaller structures, in order to retain a portion of the peak flows, thus allowing more opportunity for groundwater recharge. In addition, several flood-control dams produce significant recharge benefits. In 1996, the total dam capacity is 58 million m3. Groundwater recharge is estimated at 955 million m3/year. 
Non-conventional water sources
In 1995, the total produced wastewater was estimated at 58 million m3. Only 28 million m3 was treated, of which 26 million m3 was reused. Also in 1995, the quantity of desalinated water was 34 million m3. 
Water withdrawal
In 1995, total water withdrawal was 1,223 million m3, of which 93.9% for agricultural purposes (4.6% is withdrawn for domestic use and 1.5% for industrial use). The treated wastewater was reused mainly for the irrigation of trees along the roads, while the desalinated water was used for domestic purposes. At present, groundwater depletion is thus estimated at around 240 million m3/year. 

The World Bank reports that at least 80 countries have water shortages and 2 billion people lack access to clean water. More disturbingly, the World Health Organization has reported that 1 billion people lack enough water to simply meet their basic needs, unfortunately in many countries water is scarce or contaminated.

Pure Aqua provides wide range of filtration and economical solutions based on the Oman's water resources.

Oman's main water resources are:

Water Treatment in Oman
Pure Aqua has distributed advanced wastewater and water treatment systems in Oman, backed with heavy research on the correct solutions needed in the country. Although our name is not widely known the country, our unmatched engineering is highly suited for the applications needed in Oman, and our high quality materials, skilled workers, and long-standing experience give us the efficiency we will use to provide top-notch water treatment systems in Oman.

Pure Aqua manufactures water treatment systems that meet the World Health Organization requirements.

Pure Aqua has over 20 years of experience as a global provider of B2B water treatment solutions for a variety of applications and industries, we offer a large selection of all types of reverse osmosis and water treatment systems to meet your industrial needs. Pure Aqua’s extensive global experience in engineering and manufacturing allows us to pre-engineer and customize water treatment and reverse osmosis systems to meet a wide range of customer requirements and specifications.

Completed Water Purification Projects for Oman: